Our Latest News
- Visit us at the Delft Career Days 2025MovingDot is excited to return to TU Delft’s Orientation Days! This event is a great opportunity for us to introduce students and graduates to the world of Air Traffic Management …
- MovingDot provided interactive workshops on fatigue awareness and FRM for DC-ANSPTraining of personnel on fatigue awareness and mitigation, both operational and non-operational staff, is part of effective Fatigue Risk Management (FRM). MovingDot successfully provided FRM workshops and briefings to all …
- MovingDot is proud to join Airspace World again in 2024!After a successful first outing in 2023, we are happy to be back at Airspace World in Geneva to participate in one of the world’s leading events in the ATM …
- Visit us at the Delft Career Days 2024If you are a student at the Delft University of Technology, you might see us at the Delft Career Days. Please find us and ask us all your questions. We …
- Working position staffing/capacity plan for DC-ANSPRequired input for one of the subprojects of the DC-ANSP Fatigue Risk Management project was a working position staffing plan. Such a plan provides an overview of the required number …
- MovingDot supports Schiphol-sector with sustainable taxiingSchiphol and partners have started conducting follow-up sustainable taxiing trials. On 6 December 2022, an aircraft taxied from Schiphol-Centre to a platform near the Zwanenburgbaan, without the aircraft engines running. …
- MovingDot to share knowledge at CANSO Latin America and Caribbean Conference 2022The CANSO Latin America and Caribbean Conference 2022 will take place on 6 to 8 December in Orlando, USA. Day 3 of this conference is dedicated to a senior management …
- Dutch Airspace Redesign Programme moves fowardOn 14 October 2022, Minister Harbers and State Secretary Van der Maat informed the Dutch Parliament on the Preferential Decision for the Dutch Airspace Redesign Programme. The Dutch Airspace Redesign …
- Impact Analysis for Reducing the Activity Level at SchipholOn 24 June 2022, Minister Harbers of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management announced that the Dutch Government will reduce the maximum number of aircraft movements to and from …
- EASA certified: MovingDot is ready for the future of ATM and FPDWe can proudly announce that MovingDot is the first certified Flight Procedure Design Service Provider in The Netherlands. As of 27 January 2022, the European Regulation (EU) No 2017/373 and …
- MovingDot Supports the Dutch Airspace Redesign Program Safety OfficeThe Program Safety Office is a recently initiated addition to the Dutch Airspace Redesign Program (DARP) team. In co-operation with adjacent nations, the DARP aims to implement considerable changes in …
- MovingDot develops business case for future aerodrome tower operationsMovingDot has been assigned to deliver an assessment and business case for future aerodrome tower options including the use of Remote Tower technology for multiple aerodromes. The assignment is commissioned …
- MovingDot looks forward to meeting you at World ATM Congress in MadridWe look forward to meeting you in Madrid! MovingDot will visit the World ATM Congress 2021 in Madrid on 26 and 27 October. At this event the global ATM community …
- MovingDot, Adecs and ADSE develop PBN Roadmap 2020-2030Over the past year, MovingDot has worked on the PBN Roadmap 2020-2030 for The Netherlands, which was presented to the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) on June 16th by the …
- MovingDot provides support to DC-ANSP to comply with Fatigue Risk Management regulationMovingDot, the Dutch Air Traffic Management consultancy company with specialist knowledge on Human Performance in ATM has announced that a contract has been awarded to support Dutch Caribbean Air Navigation …
- Airspace redesign Curacao FIR successfully implementedWe congratulate DC-ANSP with the implementation of the Curaçao FIR airspace redesign and new flight procedures. The changes include new procedures for Curaçao (Hato International Airport) and Bonaire (Flamingo International …
- MovingDot expands Flight Procedure Design teamRecently, our colleague Ander Okina has concluded the initial training required for future Flight Procedure Designers, the PANS-OPS Basic course. He will now start the OJT phase under the supervision …
- MovingDot supports Single European Sky PolicymakingWe are excited to announce that MovingDot, in a consortium with Integra Consult and ALG, has been awarded a contract with the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG …
- MovingDot expands flight procedure design track recordWe recently designed conventional and RNAV SIDs and STARs for 3 medium sized international airports supporting continuous climb (CCO) and continuous descend operations (CDO). Our high quality design processes and …
- Combining MAGVAR update with an ICAO compliance checkMagnetic variation (MAGVAR) has always been a challenge in aviation, especially for the design and operation of the different instrument flight procedures. Not only instrument flight procedures are affected but …
- Vacancies Senior ATM ExpertWe are hiring! Interested in a new and exiting opportunity? Please click here for details.
- Preferential Decision Dutch Airspace RedesignOn January 13th, Minister van Nieuwenhuizen and State Secretary Visser informed the Dutch Parliament on the Draft Preferential Decision for the Dutch Airspace Redesign Project. MovingDot is one of the …
- Fatigue Risk ManagementOur #FRM Snapshot will provide a quick insight where you stand with #FatigueRiskManagement At MovingDot we continuously search for new services that support you as an #ANSP and #CAA in maintaining and improving #aviationsafety, but also #compliance. Our #HumanPerformance expertise enables us to …
- PBN Roadmap 2020-2030 The Netherlands Webinar#MovingDot, ADSE Consulting and Engineering, Adecs Airinfra are collaboratively producing of the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Roadmap for the Netherlands, commissioned by the Dutch Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. As part of the stakeholder …
- New Schiphol Airport RNP1 and Radius to Fix night routesWe congratulate Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) with the soon to be implemented new fixed arrival nightroutes based on Performance Based Navigation (PBN) to Schiphol runways 18R and 18C using …
- ADS-B COVID-19 Animation of The NetherlandsMovingDot has invested time and energy in developing intelligent, versatile tools that enhance our ATM consultancy services by providing detailed analyses. Analyses tailored to specific needs which are more flexible than traditional Fast …
- ISO-9001:2015 certificate receivedWe can proudly announce that MovingDot has received an ISO-9001:2015 certificate by DNV-GL for its management system and services. It proves yet again our commitment to deliver high quality services …