MovingDot has performed and collaborated on various safety assessments supporting both national and international customers.
Our sound engineering judgement, operational experience and understanding of cultural differences have resulted in the development of purposeful mitigation strategies and corresponding implementations.
Using International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) safety assessment principles as a foundation, MovingDot’s consultants leverage both their own and customer’s skills, knowledge, and experience to identify existing or potential new safety risks and develop a tailored mitigation strategy.
There is more to safety than making the numbers work. Obtaining insight into impacts of current operations or changes under consideration requires a thorough assessment of not only the technical, but also operational and environmental factors. Using ICAO principles, supplemented by national safety regulations and/or specific needs, MovingDot experts work with you to methodically assess the various risks. Depending on project needs and objectives, as well as on available data whether a qualitative or quantitative assessment is more appropriate. Based on the findings we will work with you to identify mitigations and develop a corresponding proactive risk management strategy.